Very Inspiring Blog Award

I’ve been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blog Award!  Thank you so much to Lou at Lou’s Labyrinth for this nomination.  🙂


1. Display the award logo on your blog
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State seven things about yourself.
4. Nominate fifteen other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven Things About Me

1.  I will graduate this May with my master’s degree.

2.  I’m currently looking for a job.

3.  This past weekend, I got a “new to me” car after mine was totaled.  (I was rear ended last week.  No injuries except my car.)

4.  I am addicted to Pinterest.

5.  I am somewhat ashamed to admit that my current favorite song is Thrift Shop.

6.  I am both excited and nervous for May to get here.  Graduation, moving, big girl job… eek!

7.  My favorite coffee is Maker’s Mark bourbon coffee!  So good.

And the Very Inspiring Blogger Award goes to…

1.  The Vintage Postcard

2.  Diary of a House Elf

3. Presently Obsessed

4.  Nutrition and Wellness for the Real World

5.  Reality Gasps

6.  Back to the Sutra

7.  My 2nd Star

8.  FoodiEcology

9.  Bucket List Journey

10.  Raw/Pulse

11.  The Twenty Something

12. Bucket List Publications

13.  Sethsnap

14.  Fiammisday

15.  Early to Rise Runner


11 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blog Award

  1. Pingback: Better Red Than Dead | Castles in Europe

  2. Thank you for the nomination! I’m graduating in may as well with my bachelors tho, but I can totally relate to the excitement with a dash of fear of all the changes to come. 🙂 and I’m so glad you’re doing okay post-car accident. I’ve been in my share of those and they can be quite terrifying. But getting a new car out of it is kinda exciting 🙂

  3. Thanks for the nomination!
    Congratulations (in advance) on your upcoming graduation, and glad you were ok after your car accident.
    Oh, and I’m right there with you on the pinterest addiction; it’s like a drug.

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